Wednesday 14 December 2011

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Group finalised plot synopsis

In a small quiet village, there lies a lake, surrounded by a forest which goes by the name of Fisherman's Lake. A few years ago the lake was one of the village's main tourist attractions but all that soon changed after the death of a young boy named Eddie. It all happened back one summer when all the college kids came down to camp for the weekend at Fisherman's Lake.
One night the group of teenagers Eddie was with dared him to swim out into the lake, knowing he was a weak swimmer, Eddie tried to play it cool and swam out into the lake but as his feet left the ground, he couldnt keep himself up out of the water. The group just watched and laughed at Eddie, thinking he was messing around until they watched him drown. Sarah screamed as she watched Eddie struggle but the rest of the group panicked and dragged her away. They promised to each other that they would never mention the event ever again.
A month later Eddie's body was found in the lake and Eddie's mother was distraught, she did everything she could to try and stop people from visiting Fisherman's Lake and eventually she succeded. Fisherman's Lake got shut off from the village and no one ever visited the place again. 
Now on the anniversary of his death, Fisherman's Lake is reopened and Sarah is back to spend the weekend at the lake with the girls. Whilst there, she cant help but think about the night Eddie died, so she goes off alone into the forest to try and overcome her horrible experience, and on her return, she has found that some of the girls have started to go missing, as she tries to discover what is going on and where her friends have got to she is met by an old friend from the past who's back to get revenge on the teens that left him to die...

Group idea for plot synopsis

A family move house, to a remote country area, however the mum and dad are called away on an urgent family issue, leaving the children, a boy of 18 and a girl of 17 to look after the house. After a while the pair start to get bored and decide to explore the new area, when they come across a seemingly abandoned house and take a look inside. Whilst inside, the wind blows, slamming the door shut and startling the girl, who then kncks over an expensive looking urn. Ashes fall out over the floor. They hear a loud bang and a creaking door from upstairs, they both look to each other and run out laughing and teasing each other over how scared they were.
They return home and carry on as normal, only the girl starts to complain about feeling uneasy, as if someone else was around, her brother dismisses this, saying she is being stupid and telling her to calm down. Her feelings start to get worse, but the brother still doesnt believe her and begins to get angry with her for "being so stupid".
One night, the girl wakes up in the middle of the night screaming, claiming something was watching her over her bed, her brother is very annoyed by this, making her out to be a liar and causing drama, possibly trying to scare him. They get into a fight and he takes to ignoring her, she begins to feel very alone. He heads to the shower to relax and on coming out, notices a message in the steam on the mirror, thinking it was his sister playing tricks, he looks around to find her but she is sat outside crying. He grabs her and tells her what has happened and that he now believes her. They run into the house and try to contact their parents but find that the phone line has been cut, they hear what sounds like heavy breathing and run upstairs. As night falls they decide to sleep in the same room to keep each other company just in case anything happens.
The next morning, the girl wakes up and turns to her brother finding him dead and her top splattered in his blood, she catches the heavy breathing sound again, thinking the killer is still around, she forces herself to stop screaming and runs to hide in the closet, shaking and peering through the keyhole. Realising that there is no contact to the outside world and that she has no other way out, she makes a break for it. Only, whilst running, she passes a mirror, catching a glimpse of someone she doesnt recognise. She goes back to take a closer look and sees a haggard old woman. She screams and runs out of the front door, right into her parents arms, who after being worried by the telephone line not working, return home early. At this point the girl is still covered in blood and rambling on about being possessed. The parents find the body of her brother but yet can get no information out of her and so, after much grieving for the happenings, take her to a mental institute.

Monday 5 September 2011

Film Posters I Like

My plot synopsis

The Phonecall

It was a saturday night, and a bunch of us from college were at a house party somewhere out of town. It was around half past eleven when people started leaving to head home.  About five of us stayed behind, we were all going to rent a movie and just chill out for the rest of the evening. We all got the pillows and duvets from upstairs and put them in front of the t.v ready. We started to tidy the place up a bit first, chucking all the empty bottles that had just been left everywhere into black bags, as we were doing this one of the boys began to tell us about a rumour that had been going round, about a group of college kids who went missing one night whilst camping up by the lakeside. Apparently, someone kept trying to contact them all from an unknown number at midnight but no one knows what was said during the calls or what happened after.
It all went quiet for a moment and then we all just broke into bursts of laughter and continued to tidy the place up, I looked at the clock, it was almost midnight already. So we finished the tidying and all settled down to watch the movie. The phone rang, "I'll get it" Laura shouted. "Hmm, that's weird, no one answered, I could just hear someone breathing down the phone. Must of got the wrong number or something. I'll just go and take this bag out to the road side".
The rest of us cosied up in front of the t.v and started playing the movie.
About 20 minutes had passed and Laura still hadn't come back in.
"Guys, where's Laura, she's been ages, she only went to take the rubbish bag out to the road side".
"She's probably come in without us noticing and has gone to the loo or something" said Nick.
"She's been 25 minutes! "
The phone started to ring again.
"Dont worry, i'll get that and i'll pop out to see what Laura's up to" said Nick. 
"Oh, there was no reply again, must be something wrong with the phone lines. I'll just see what Laura's doing then". And he slammed the door behind him.
I went to sit with the other two in the living room and tried watching the film, but i couldnt help but think, something weird was going on, but i sat watching the film, waiting for them to come back through the front door.
Again 20 minutes had passed and there was still no sign of Laura or Nick.
"Guys, just wait here a sec, im just going to pop out the front and see what's going on".
I walked down the drive, down towards the road, I could see the rubbish bag placed at the end of the drive, but there was no sign of them. I walked down until the end of the drive, I looked down, I could see drops of blood leading down the drive and along side the road. My mobile phone began to ring in my pocket, it was an unkown number. I answered, someone was there but didnt say a word. There was just breathing down the phone...

Monday 27 June 2011

In media studies in the past few lessons, we have been working in groups of 7, and have been filming 5 second clips using different angles and shots. For the more diffucult shots, we were able to experiment with the camera stand in order to make it easier to film the shots.