Thursday 5 January 2012

Film posters linked to our film genre.


This poster is effective as the main image is quite powerful and is a good indication of the plot of the film. This poster would relate to our film genre with the villian in costume with the iconic hockey mask and the lake/forest setting. Our plot consists of the black hood being the iconic image and the main setting being the lake/forest.

This poster is also effective and also uses a powerful image with the close up of the villian in costume but also the identity is not fully revealed. This poster would also relate to our film genre with the plot of our film being about the victim who drowned, in this case the victim was burnt alive.

This poster relates to our film genre with our plot consisting of an iconic hooded costume, in this case the villians costume consists of a hood and mask. The plot of this story also relates with ours with the villian seeking revenge.

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