Friday 4 May 2012

Analysis of finished film magazine front cover

  • I used the masthead 'Unscene' and spelt 'seen' as 'scene' to relate to scenes in film, so the mastead has connotations of unseen films.
  • I continued the conventional black, red and white theme throughout linking with all 3 of my media texts.
  • I used the main image of a character from a scene in the film with the tagline 'Asphyxiate official' catching the readers attention with a memorable iconic image from the film.

    • The well established effect I wanted this magazine to have can be seen through the main sell line above the masthead 'Best summer preview ever!' this indicates that it is a regular magazine with different issues of previews to reach a range of target audiences for the magazine to generate more profit.
    I would relate my film magazine to Empire because:

    • The conventional black, red and white theme is used.
    • The image is of the character from a scene in the film with the tagline 'Christopher Nolan's Inception' with Inception big and in bold to stand out from the rest of the text.
    • The layout of the magazine is similar to mine. For example, both mastheads are in red placed at the top of page.

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