Friday 4 May 2012

Representation of characters

Me (Sarah) - The main character seen as the vunerable yet strong character and potential villian. Wants to seek revenge physically, emotionally and intellectually over the loss of her brother.

Millie Edwards - The nice innocent friend, and the victim.

Jess Watkins - The more confident, loud friend. Seen as a much stronger female than Millie.

We asked some people outside of our group to feature in our trailer:

Will Watkins - played Eddie (Sarah's brother) seen as the innocent vicim but also a potential villian.

Paige Crawford - played the Mother of Sarah and Eddie. Seen as a strong female character, potential victim/villian.

Ryan Probert, Nia Gething, Hannah Jones, Liberty Holder and others played the victims.

The representation of our characters conformed to conventions of the psychological thriller/horror genre trailers by the use of 3 potential villians, confusing the audience of who they should really fear. 2 of our potential villians were female, challenging conventions with the villian usually viewed as a strong male character.

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