Friday 4 May 2012

How our trailer compares with real media output

Our trailer follows the typical conventions of a horror/pyschological thriller genre although we challenged them slighty with the use of a female protagonist. However we used an unconventional element in our trailer with the black and white effect over the first few shots to show an action that happened in the past and differentiate this with the present. We have also used a darker setting and several possible villains to create a sense of disorientation, both of which are stereotypical to the genre we tried to portray.
Before deciding on the plot for our trailer we analysed a number of horror trailers on Youtube such as Friday the 13th, Sorority row, Scream 4 and Shrooms as they all had elements of 'psychological thrillers' which we considered using in our own as it makes the story more effective and leaves the audience on the edge of their seat.
 I think our trailer mainly compares to Sorority row and Friday the 13th as our plot consists of elements featured in these trailers. For example the setting of the lake and woods in our trailer compares to the setting of the lake and forest in Friday the 13th. It's also similar in the way iconic images have been used, for example freddy's costume in Friday the 13th contains the iconic mask, in our trailer we have used the iconic hood. Our trailer compares to Sorority row with plot focused on the themes of loss and revenge.

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