Tuesday 1 May 2012

Audience feedback questionnaire

1. What genre do you believe the trailer is?

  • Comedy
  • Horror
  • Psychological Thriller
  • Action
  • Sci- Fi

2. Which gender does the trailer target at?

  • Female
  • Male
  • Both

3. What age group do you believe the target audience is for the trailer?

  • 13-19
  • 16-23
  • 15-24
  • 18-53

4. What 3 images stood out the most for you?

5. Can you reveal the basic plot of the story?

6. Who do you believe the protagonist is? (Killer/main character)

7. What are your emotions after watching the trailer?

8. Do you think the trailer reveals too much?

9. Would you go to see the film in the cinema?

10. Do you think the soundtrack goes well with the shots in the trailer?

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