Friday 4 May 2012

Analysis of finished film poster

  • My poster mainly consists of one of the trailers main themes being Water, and the protagonist risng from the water not revealing too much identity, relating to the theme of the unknown.
  • I have used the conventional black, red and white theme so the text stands out on the image.
  • I have highlighted the word 'HATE' as this links in with another one of our main themes in the trailer.
  • I have chosen to focus on the eyes looking directly at the audience. This makes the image seem very powerful and draws the audience in.
  • I have lined the tagline in line with the protagonists eye suggesting this is what can be seen through the eyes of the protagonist.
I would relate my film poster to Scream 4 because:

  • It follows conventions of the black, red and white theme which mine consists of also.
  • Contains the iconic image of the protagonist straring directly at the audience drawing the audience in, just as I have done with mine.
  • The tagline is also in line with the face as well as 'Scream' placed inside the open mouth relating to the scream of others.

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