Friday 4 May 2012

What the audience thinks

On the 1st of April we arranged a focus group to view our trailer. Due to some people unable to make it, we had a number of 4 girls and 2 boys aged between 15 - 24. From the feedback we recieved, we established that our target audience understood the basic plot of the trailer, as well as identifying key character roles and functions within the trailer. The audience was also able to identify the settings and thought that they all worked well together for the narrative of the film we are promoting. The audience was able to understand how sound creates meaning within the trailer as Keiran, a member of the focus group stated that 'the sound works well with the shots in the trailer to make it very tense for the audience to watch.' Finally every member of the focus group stated that they would want to go and see our film in the cinema and thought the way we constructed the trailer with 3 possible villians worked well and kept them guessing, which was the result we were hoping for. Overall our group was very happy with the audience feedback we recieved.

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