Thursday 3 May 2012


The trailer could be seen as the best promotional device as it gives the audience a glimpse of what is yet to come as well as a greater sense of narrative of what to expect in the film. The trailer can be consumed in a number of ways such as; the trailer can be viewed in the cinema before the screening of their chosen film which is efficient in the way it distributes to the right target audience because trailers of the same genre will appear beforehand. It could also be consumed through the internet through sites such as Youtube, where the audience are able to control what they view. The trailer can be consumed by any member of the audience through television, where the trailer may appear in adverts between programmes engaging the audience with it's good sense of narrative, leaving them with enough code of enigma.

The poster visually promotes the film, usually displayed with an iconic image, main character or well known actor/actress, capturing the audience's attention and creating a USP for the film. The film poster would be consumed on billboards, buses, telephone boxes, bus shelters, or in cinemas.

The magazine front cover captures mainly it's target audience and will capture the audience's attention with who or what is viewed on the front cover of the magazine. A good image will make the reader want to purchase the magazine and will then hopefully persuade them to watch the film by the content contained in the magazine.

From producing my 3 promotional devices, I have discovered that a good image is what most commonly captures the audiences attention, it can lead the product. For example the image on a poster is the first thing the audience will look at and this is what will draw them in. In a trailer, a good image will always stand out and give the audience something to remember. We followed these conventions in our trailer, leaving the more tense and memorable shots till the end, leaving the audience stuck with those images. As well as the image, the promotional devices need to be able to engage with the audience, involving them in the story.

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