Friday 4 May 2012

Target Audience

We identified the target audience by using actors who were aged between 15 - 20 both male and female. However because we used a complex title for our film trailer, we have widened the audience to 15 - 24. This decision was made after finding out from a survey that 15 - 25 was the age group who's favourite genre was psychological thriller. We also found that this age group was more likely to visit the cinema as they have more holiday and like to spend leisurely days with their friends.
Our trailer appeals to the target audience by using characters of the same age group, so the audience will be more interested in the film as they can relate to certain characters of around their own age. The target audience can relate to characters in our trailer as they are of the same age, making it more realistic to the audience as they are able to imagine themselves in the same position. The target audience is able to recognise the genre of the film trailer due to the soundtrack, non diegetic sounds such as 'Boom', dark lighting, establishing shots such as the protagonist overviewing the party and vunerable shots of the victims.

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